Sunday, July 13, 2008

Experiment over

This experiment has concluded.

You can view part of the result here:

Sunday, June 29, 2008

All Hail Blizzard

Not only is Starcraft II looming on the horizon, but they just announced that Diablo III is in the works.

The gameplay trailer for Diablo III was amazing. You can view the high-quality version from Blizzard's site here. Here is just (!) the cinematic intro.

And Starcraft II, of course. There is a VERY good series of episodes on Youtube about Starcraft II's campaign as well. Go search for it, fatty.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Monday, June 9, 2008

The intentions of aliens

This will only be amusing to those who followed the retarded alien story in the news a few days ago. Sorry, troglodytes!


Thursday, May 15, 2008

Zero Punctuation: Grand Theft Auto IV

I highly recommend you watch ALL of Yahtzee's reviews.

They really are that good. Really.

(From: here).

Thursday, April 17, 2008

The most powerful weapon in history


See more funny videos at CollegeHumor

(From here.)

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Starcraft II Zerg Preview




Let me be more clear: wow.

Starcraft II is going to be one of the greatest games ever made.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Rick Astley would never...

If you don't get it, consider yourself a lucky soul in this damnable world!


Friday, February 22, 2008

Clean Your Damn Screen

Is your screen dirty? Maybe this can help.

Oh, make sure you're running a maximised window for full effect.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Monday, February 11, 2008

Shouldn't you be reading dianetics?

Okay okay, I know there's too many Youtube-based submissions, but this one is just so damn good!

This song rivals Benny Lava in its ability to become stuck in my head.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Girly Man

If you haven't seen this classic already, you deserve to be punched in the face.

Other excellent 'translations' by Buffalax:

I fought a barber man.

All along watch you pumping my retard. (Pseudo-famous Tunak Tunak Tun).


And the original which started it all in 2000 by a bunch of Swedes: Hatten är din.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Dos and don'ts of babies

I want to show all parents these. They may even learn a thing or two.

Some of my favourites:

Sunday, January 27, 2008

One of the greatest advertisments ever

I won't spoil too much, but deliver these words: "I met a man on the bus today. I shook his hand. He'll never see his family again."

Friday, January 11, 2008

9 things I learned about the world according to anonymous stock photo models.

While almost all of Maddox' articles are noteworthy, this particular one, being almost classic, is of the best, mainly because of this picture which on first glance appears seemingly innocent.

However, it's not simply pictures which make this article a pristine compendium of wit and writing. Using powerful tongue-in-cheek methods, Maddox does an excellent job on showing the world how much of an asshole corporations are when they try to propagate ideas such as 'diversity'.

When a corporation claims to be diverse, what they really mean is that they hire black people, asians, and a latino every now and then. There is no image more meticulously engineered in this world than that of a corporation's statement on "diversity." For example, the energy company Entergy states on its website that the cornerstone of their corporate culture is:

"respect ... for every individual regardless of race, gender, nationality, religion, sexual orientation or any other cultural factor. "Tolerance" is insufficient in this organization that values differences..."

Entergy should be commended for having the courage to go beyond simply "tolerating" different races by treating them with respect, because it is assumed that other races are not treated with respect unless a corporation explicitly states that they do on their website. The world needs more companies willing to follow Entergy's bold leadership by doing more than just tolerating other races.

Full article:

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

14 Signs of a Deficient Intellect

My faith in humanity crumbles to an all-time low with these gems.

Aren't you proud that the person who created this masterpiece shares your genes?

Yes, son. Fuck fashism indeed.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Darwin Awards: 2007

One thing I enjoy learning about is the complete and utter stupidity of my species. Each year, the Darwin awards reward me with such information.

Stupidity is refreshing!

(19 August 2007, Serbia) It's well known that alcohol impairs judgement. It's well known that carnivorous wild animals and humans don't mix. What happens when we combine all three? One might expect men, beer, and bears to combine with lethal consequences. Such was the case for a 23-year old man who inadvertently fed himself to Masha and Misha at the Belgrade Zoo.

The Zoo director said of the incident,
"Only an idiot would jump into the bear cage."

The man's naked, mauled corpse was found inside the bear habitat, along with several mobile phones, bricks, and plenty of beer cans. His clothes were completely undamaged, suggesting that he approached the bears bare-naked by choice. The bears, fearing that his intentions were as dishonorable as they were ill-informed, meted out a summary justice.

Later, Masha and Misha "reacted angrily" when keepers tried to recover the man's corpse, but were eventually persuaded to give up their tasty prize. We await word on how many beers were bartered for the body.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Move Your Feet

Based off a classic animation of a song by Junior Senior, this remake of sorts exerts the same awesome use of sprite-based animation. Amiga fans rejoice!

The original version can be found here:

Zero Punctuation: Super Mario Galaxy

This review is almost better than the actual game.

Oh and, British accents are mildly erotic.


Thursday, January 3, 2008

Will you stop playing with those walruses?

Illegal Danish 2: Escape from Orgrimmar, a machinima-style 'animation' (redundancy is fun), finally came out. It only took them like two years.

Illegal Danish 1, which was probably better, can be viewed here:

Condoms 'too big' for Indian men

If this isn't excellent fuel for stereotypes, I don't know what is.

My favourite quote: "It's not size, it's what you do with it that matters". It's certainly not only Indian men who've adopted this holy mantra.

Cyanide and Poop

There's nothing like a tongue-in-cheek reference to something truly stomach-turning. If you're completely lost -- stop. Don't even ask anyone about it, you will do your mind (and soul) a great favour.


Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic


One of the main things about the Internet that irritates me to no end is the fact that there's a lot of quality material to know about, ranging from Internet pop-culture memes that no-one in the real world would know about, to completely retarded (but entertaining) game references. But actually finding the majority of them would require a user to frequent a hundred different sites. Digg, Newgrounds, even Maddox. There are a lot of listings and individual 'artists' scattered everywhere in a non-juxtapose fashion.

Instead of bookmarking and saving the stuff that matters (ie. shit that doesn't suck), I've decided to make an archive / listing of them for my own personal enjoyment. And maybe yours as well.